Gibbs Reflective Cycle
At any given second our brains are processing millions of different bits of data. To manage all of that sensory information, our brains use mental shortcuts to help us filter and make meaning out of our experiences. While this is often an essential and useful process, it has some drawbacks. Our rapid processing may cause us to make inferences. We are hard wired to jump to conclusions and create meaning based off of assumptions and past experiences that aren’t fully grounded in our current reality.
My work with clients is about helping them to learn from their experiences through reflection and action. In order for this to happen both I and my clients need to be able to notice when our assumptions and inferences are shaping our experiences and interactions in and outside of the coaching sessions. The Gibbs Reflective Cycle is one tool that can be used to structure inquiry in a way that help coaches and clients identify when we may be skipping over the facts and jumping to conclusions.
So, How does it work?
Step 1: Take time to describe what happened in detail.
This involves pausing to separate the facts of the situation from what we think it means
Step 2: Explore feelings
This involves exploring the emotions involved parties experienced before, during, and after the experience
Step 3: Evaluation
This is about identifying the judgements we’re making about the situation. What was good or bad? What went well and what didn’t go so well?
Step 4: Conclusions
This is where we get to decide what the experience meant for us and the brainstorming options for how a similar situation could be handled in the future. Explore How this could have been a more positive experience for everyone involved?
Step 5: Plan Action
With the options explored in the previous stage…This step is about making decisions about what you plan to do moving forward.
Limitation: Individual reflection does not guarantee learning and can even function to increase confirmation bias. While the Gibbs cycle can function to reduce this, users of this tool can benefit from deliberate in scanning for confirmation bias during reflection.