I center my clients and show genuine interest not only in the work they do and what they want, but in who they are. I engage with the whole person as a way of showing that I care about them.
I believe it’s important to clarify expectations early. I tell my clients a bit about who I am, how I see my role and what they can expect while working with me. I also invite them to share their expectations for our relationship with me and work with them to clarify the goals they have for this process. I consistently check in to see what is and is not serving them in the coaching process to stay clear about what they need.
I ask new clients if I have their permission to coach them. I don’t assume that they want my advice or to hear my insights. I let them know that I will continue to check-in about consent and will respect their boundaries and openness levels at all times.
Clients will find me reliable and dependable. I keep my commitments and my clients will experience me as caring but candid. I make sure that my words align with my actions. My clients can trust me.
I seek to support my clients in building their confidence through reflection, feedback and invitations to action. I center their personal power and ability to respond as I share insights. I am intentional about helping my clients track their progress and identify opportunities for them build trust in their ability transform their own lives.
I seek opportunities to help clients feel seen by taking time to celebrate their wins and strengths when they demonstrate them. I’m intentional about paying attention to the milestones along their journey and highlighting the critical points of evolution brought to light during our time together.